We wanted to leave you a message and we wanted you feel responsible for making it blossom.
That's why with every purchase at Pom you will get a very meaningful gift.
Since we don't support the throwaway philosophy , our label has a second life: It can be planted!
It is a label made of reused cotton from the textile industry and it also has tomato seeds in its composition.
A different way of thanking you for the trust you place in us. It is also a way of continuing to promote care for the environment and for you to feel involved in the process.

1. Plant the label
Place the label on a plate or any flat container without holes.
Add 5mm of water.
You can also place the label in a pot and cover it with soil.

2. Water it every day and put it in the sun
It is better if it is indoors where it always receives sunlight.
It is very important that during the first few days the saucer always has water in it; if it dries out, the germination cycle of the seed may be cut short.
When it comes to watering, water sparingly. Too much water is just as harmful as too little.

3. Germination
In a few days it will germinate. Be patient!
Once the first sprouts start to appear, it is time to transplant it into a pot. You can cut up the paper, without breaking the sprout, and cover it with a little soil.
Always leave the sprouts uncovered so as not to damage them.